The Vow of Service

She wept as she stood before me. She had just told me her daughter died and that she wanted to donate a meal at the soup kitchen in her honor. “She never let being sick stop her. She’d be out in that dinning room smiling and greeting everyone, and they had loved her,” she told…

Wisdom Will Make Herself Known

Hi all, Here is an excerpt from a paper I recently wrote for my Spirituality of Care class. The paper was about how seeing God in the world, in people, and in ourselves helps to change the world for the better. As I continue to study, I am trusting on Wisdom to make Herself known….

Mercy Global Presence

This month I am honored to share an article I wrote for Mercy Global Presence, which is an ongoing reflection curated by the Mercy International Association at Baggot Street. The theme for September’s material is presence. Given the global nature of the Mercy family and the shared experience of the pandemic, I wrote about how…

How to Say Goodbye

As I transitioned from this ministry to a new one I look back on the four years I spent serving the people of Bridgeport.

What Do You Know About God?

A friend of mine recently pointed out a reality which I have experienced, but had not yet named for myself. Sisters are expected to be theologians. It is an unspoken expectation, but present nonetheless. She expressed frustration with this because it was not her training, and I can sympathize. I have often felt unequal to…

How Do You Find Healing?

Recently, I was asked to participate in a promotional video for the diocese of Bridgeport. I’ve been ministering there as a soup kitchen chef for nearly four years now. This has given me time to get to know and serve the guests who come to eat at the center. Developing relationships with the regulars has…

Sister Cyclists Go The Extra Mile

This has been National Catholic Sisters Week (March 8-14), and back in the fall I applied for one of their eighty five mini grants.  I proposed a crazy project, The Sister Cyclists.  Sisters from around the country responded and we each committed to biking in a one hundred mile relay ride to raise awareness of…

Breathe and Be Yourself

  My ministry’s environment can be rather hectic most days; full of activity and lots of people.  The day is on the short side, just seven hours, but between breakfast and lunch we serve an average of 300 meals a day and I depend on a lot of volunteers to get this done.  I’m also…